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We're thrilled to announce the exclusive representation of kar-

We're thrilled to announce the exclusive representation of kar-

As a brand En Gold is proud to explore and celebrate the craftsmanship of bespoke materials, it is with this in mind that we are thrilled to announce the exclusive representation of kar- in Australia and New Zealand.

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Pieces by kar- explore the cause and effect of aesthetics, integrating tradition and modernity to present modern design with the core of Oriental Philosophy.

kar- is the root of the Sanskrit "karma", meaning karmic reincarnation. Founded by Steven Yeung in China, the inspiration of kar- is sourced from art, literature, culture, unique experience, memory and emotion.

Yeung was born in mainland Hong Kong and spent most of his time living and working in Guangdong. Later studying a Diploma of Interior Design in the UK he then worked in the industry of interior, clothing and furniture. It is through this that he drew together the skills from both his study and work and began kar-

The creation journey of kar- is based on sensibility. Founder Yeung aims to convey emotion through creation. From the very first kneading the designer’s current emotion of either joy or sorrow affects the strength and trace on the clay. 3D printing is then used to enlarge the model into a proper size to be used as a mould. Using fibreglass as the main material allows for all of the trace on the clay model to be perfectly copied onto the pieces - echoing Yeung’s emotions.

Steven Yeung kar- studio

The reason why Yeung chose to use fiberglass was to maintain all the traces and marks of kneading. The original colouring of the material is also similar to Jade. In Chinese culture jade is a symbol of good fortune.

Not only does each kar- piece evoke emotion but it has a rich history and has gone through journey at every stage of the craftsmanship.

Learn more about kar- on Broadsheet.

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